Learning the signatures of the human grasp using a scalable tactile glove
Subramanian Sundaram, Petr Kellnhofer, Yunzhu Li, Jun-Yan Zhu, Antonio Torralba, Wojciech Matusik.
Nature , 569 (7758), 2019. [Project page] [Paper (External link)]
Learning human-environment interactions using conformal tactile textiles
Yiyue Luo, Yunzhu Li, Pratyusha Sharma, Wan Shou, Kui Wu, Michael Foshey, Beichen Li, Tomás Palacios, Antonio Torralba, Wojciech Matusik.
Nature Electronics, 4, 193–201, 2021. [Project page] [Paper (External link)] [Dataset] [Code]
Dynamic Modeling of Hand-Object Interactions via Tactile Sensing
Qiang Zhang*, Yunzhu Li*, Yiyue Luo, Wan Shou, Michael Foshey, Junchi Yan, Joshua B. Tenenbaum, Wojciech Matusik, Antonio Torralba.
IROS 2021. [Project Page]
Seamless-walk: natural and comfortable virtual reality locomotion method with a high-resolution tactile sensor
Yunho Choi, Dong-Hyeok Park, Sungha Lee, Isaac Han, Ecehan Akan, Hyeon-Chang Jeon, Yiyue Luo, SeungJun Kim, Wojciech Matusik, Daniela Rus, Kyung-Joong Kim.
Virtual Reality, 1-15, 2023. [Paper]